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What's New


Fly-In / Drive-In Breakfast
June 30th,

Our Annual Fly-In Drive-In Breakfast is back!  Come out to the Marion airport for a pancake breakfast, Citation Jet display, farmers market vendors, firetruck and more!

Breakfast is $10 for adults, $5 for kids 5-12, and free for kids 4 and under.


Hangar Space available

We have T-Hangar spots available for rent.   Call now: 319-377-1111 or email at


Runway Construction is complete!

Runway 17/35 was widened from 23 feet to 60 feet wide with new edge lights and improved turnarounds.  The Runway is open for use!

Attn: Hobbyist Drone Pilots

Hobbyist Drone Pilots are required to notify airports within 5 miles of where they are flying.  The figure on the left shows a 5 miles radius from the Marion Airport, each time you are operating a drone within that range, please fill out the Notification Form Below.

5 Mile Radius from Marion Airport

Aircraft Traffic Pattern

Success! The Marion Airport has been notified.

© 2015 LuxAir Aviation LLC


1-844-589-2376   |

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